How to make an enchanting table in Minecraft. Minecraft enchanting table how to make an enchanting table

Enchanting table

Minecraft enchanting table ID: 61 .

NID: enchanting_table.

Enchantment table is the English name for the enchantment table in Minecraft. It could also be called a witch's table or magic table; simplified names are often used - enchantment table And sorcerer's table.

How to get:

The enchanting table in Minecraft, which is an incomplete block with a height of 3/4, is needed for witchcraft. It can be used to enchant tools, weapons and armor. At the same time, their power increases and the necessary effects are added. If you place an enchanting table near bookcases, then objects can be enchanted more powerfully. All spells are not free, because they require a certain amount of experience (in creative mode no experience is required), and as of Minecraft 1.8 - lapis lazuli. The enchanted object shimmers and shines.

Enchanting table on the Minecraft server.

How to make an enchanting table in Minecraft?

In order to make an enchanting table in Minecraft, you will have to work hard. And it's not just about knowing the crafting recipe - remembering it is not that difficult. It is more difficult to obtain resources, of which you will need a lot: four obsidians, two diamonds and one book.

Since the enchanting table is crafted from diamonds and obsidian, one can draw a false conclusion about its super strength. But that's not true. It can also be mined with a wooden pickaxe.

How to enchant an item

In order to enchant an item, you need to right-click on the table to open it and put it in the interface cell. After this, three random enchantment options will appear. If you have enough experience, then you can choose any of them. Many enchantments have several levels. In addition, the item can be enchanted with several enchantments. The cost increases, therefore, the likelihood of obtaining a more valuable enchantment increases.

Enchanting table window in Minecraft.

About bookcases it was briefly noted above; we add that the maximum level of experience at which you can enchant an object increases if you place bookcases one block away from the enchanting table.

Enchantment: numbering and names

IDs for the pocket edition and for computers are different in most cases.

Enchantment NID ID (for computers)
Infinity infinity 51
bane of arthropods bane_of_arthropods 18
Explosion resistance blast_protection 3
Ignition flame 50
Deep step depth_strider 8
Breath respiration 5
The plot of fire fire_aspect 20
Protection protection 0
Projectile protection projectile_protection 4
Ice tread (walking on water) frost_walker 9
Looting (looting) looting 21
Sea luck luck_of_the_sea 61
Heavenly punishment smite 17
Weightlessness feather_falling 2
Fire resistance fire_protection 1
Acuity sharpness 16
Dropping knockback 19
Repair mending 70
Bait lure 62
Curse of the Binding binding_course 10
Curse of Loss vanishing_course 71
Strength unbreaking 34
Slashing Blade sweeping 22
Affinity with water (submariner) aqua_affinity 6
Force power 48
Shock wave punch 49
Luck fortune 35
Spikes thorns 7
Silk touch silk_touch 33
Efficiency efficiency 32

Lots of enchantments

Enchant tools

Enchant Tools
Tools Name What gives
32 Efficiency
Faster resource extraction.
33 Silk touch
Silk Touch
Destroying a block (with the right tool) will drop that block, even if it should drop something else.
34 Strength
With some degree of probability, the strength will not decrease.
35 Luck
Chance to drop more resources.
61 Lucky fisherman
Sea luck
Luck of the Sea
Increases the chance of catching treasure. When fishing, reduces the chance of catching garbage.
62 Bait
Increases the chance of catching fish. Reduces the chance of catching trash or treasure by 1% per level.

Enchant weapon

Enchant Weapon
Weapon Name What gives
16 Acuity
Additional damage.
17 Heavenly punishment
Extra Damage Zombies, Zombie Pigmen, Skeletons, Wither Men and Wither Skeletons.
18 bane of arthropods
Death of insects
Bane of Arthropods
Additional damage to spiders, cave spiders and silverfish.
19 Recoil
Knocks back mobs and players.
20 The plot of fire
Fire aspect
Sets the target on fire.
21 Production
Increases production from mobs, as well as the chance of rare drops.
22 Slashing Blade
Sweeping Edge
Increases damage to mobs standing next to the target.
48 Force
Additional damage.
49 Reclining
Dropping the target.
50 Burning Arrow
Sets fire to arrows.
51 Infinity
Arrows are not wasted. But to shoot you need at least one arrow.

Enchant armor

Enchant Armor
Armor Name What gives
0 Protection
Converts attack damage to armor damage.
1 Fire resistance
Fire Protection
Protection from fire, lava and efreet fireballs. Reduces the player's burn time.
2 Weightlessness
Feather Falling
Fall protection
3 Explosion resistance
Blast Protection
Explosion protection. Reduces the recoil from explosions.
4 Projectile protection
Projectile Protection
Protection from arrows and fireballs
5 Underwater breathing
Reduces air loss under water, increases the time between attacks of suffocation. Allows you to see better underwater.
6 Submariner
Affinity with water
Aqua Affinity
Allows you to destroy blocks underwater at the same speed as on land.
7 Spikes
Has a chance to cause damage to the attacker.
8 Underwater walking
Conqueror of the Deep
Depth Strider
Increases walking speed underwater.
9 Ice Walk
Walking on water
Frost Walker
Turns water into frozen ice and allows you to walk on the surface of the reservoir.
70 Repair
Uses experience to repair an item in your hands or armor slots.

The above is only basic information on enchanting tools, weapons and armor. It should be noted here that with the help of enchanted books on an anvil you can get tools with enchantments that are not available in the usual way. Other methods of enchantment include

Greetings to all minecrafters, great magicians and aspiring wizards of our mysterious world of minecraft. Today, my friends, we will tell you the great secret of sketching things in Minecraft. By the way, the correct word is not “scratching”, but “enchanting”, we specifically wrote that :)

Why do you need an enchanting table?

So, my friends, why make an enchanting table and what is it in minecraft? You probably already guessed by the title: we are talking about magic. That is, about the possibility of improving the characteristics of our items with the help of spells.

How to create an enchantment table

So my friends, how do you make an enchanting table?

To make an enchantment table, we will need: two diamonds, four obsidians and a book, which will also have to be made in advance. I would like to note that crafting is not easy in terms of the materials needed for this. But more on this a little later, dear friends.

If we have all the necessary items, we lay them out on the workbench as shown in the picture:

And we get to use a beautiful block, unlike the others, whose height is only three quarters of the usual one. There is always a closed book on it, or rather not standing, but slowly rotating. And when we get closer to the table, the book opens and the pages begin to move.

What is needed for crafting

Now a little about the materials needed to create a witchcraft table: how you can get them or make them. I must say that they are expensive and very difficult to obtain. Yes, my friends, practicing magic in minecraft is not easy and expensive, but it is worth it.


You will have to go down into the mines to get diamonds. Where lava is deep and already found, rich diamond deposits are quite common. You must have a pickaxe, at least an iron one. Yes, I almost forgot, take more torches with you, my friends.


Now that you have mined diamonds, you must make a diamond pickaxe and go with it for obsidian. Since obsidian is the most durable material in Minecraft, it cannot be destroyed by any other tool. And in order to extract it, you will first need to fill the lava with water: some natural phenomenon will occur, as a result of which obsidian will appear. But this must be done carefully, friends, so as not to fall into the lake of fire.


The book, my friends, we will not have to mine, but make it on a workbench from leather and paper. We get leather by killing cows in the area, and for paper we need to chop reeds and lay them out on a workbench.

What is a bookcase for?

Why make a bookcase as well, and not immediately start enchanting things? The fact is that lockers enhance enchantment. So be patient, dear friends, just a little more, and we will have everything ready for enchantment. I warned you: magic in minecraft is a complex matter and does not tolerate fuss.

To make a locker, we will need boards and books that we have already crafted. We arrange them as in the picture and the cabinet is ready.

How to enchant things

Finally, my friends, we have completed all the preparations and can now proceed directly to the enchanting processes. How enchantment occurs and how to carry out this witchcraft ritual as efficiently as possible. What you need to get the best characteristics of items that can be enchanted, such as armor, weapons, tools and books.

How to get maximum effect

In order for our enchantment to give the maximum result, that is, several effects with high levels, instead of one, some conditions must be met. Such is the will of the chief magician of our great world of minecraft.

So, my friends, don’t worry, these conditions are not at all scary and you can easily fulfill them. It is necessary to build a small room where the walls will be made of cabinets, the floor and ceiling may not be made of them. There must be at least 15 lockers, and previously, before option 12w23a, 30 were required. They should be located so that the table is in the center, at a distance of one block from them.

Before you start enchanting, you need to gain a certain amount of experience, since each enchantment will “take away” thirty units of experience from you. It can be obtained by killing monsters, as well as other, more harmless animals, mining ore, smelting it, creating farms for animals, and fishing. In a word, doing everything you need to survive in our harsh world of minecraft. And with option 12w21a, you have the opportunity to buy a potion in the village that will give you a certain amount of experience.

The actual process of drinking glass

Now, my friends, after long and difficult preparations, the long-awaited moment has come: we begin the mysterious ritual of enchantment. To do this, we approach the table, and the magic book itself opens. Right-click on the book and its menu opens:

The process of drinking glass itself is not complicated, but it requires patience and a little luck. You need to put the object that needs to be enchanted in the square under the book, and some mysterious magical writings appear. Don't be scared, friends, it's just a galactic alphabet, don't pay attention to it and look at the green numbers. They show the “price” in experience units that we must pay for the glass. The higher the “price”, the better the performance of the glass will be.

“Minecraft”, or “my creativity” is the name of a popular computer game. The main goal in such games is to create a new reality from the things that are at the player's disposal. In modern youth slang, the word “craft” (translated from English craft means “craft”, “creativity”) means “to create something from scrap materials.”

This verb is used directly when playing Minecraft, and in everyday life, for example: “to craft a bauble” - “to weave a youth decoration from beads.” In addition to creating a new reality and solving various problems, the hero of the Minecraft computer game can change the properties of surrounding objects, increase the efficiency of his weapons, vehicles, and work tools.

"Minecraft" as an element of popular culture

The game has long entered popular culture. It is extremely popular among computer game lovers from all over the world because:

  • teaches you to find unusual solutions to banal problems;
  • helps to look at familiar objects as material for creativity;
  • develops logical thinking and creative abilities;
  • teaches people resourcefulness and ingenuity.

The hero of the game is constantly on the move and performs various actions with objects. The virtual reality that surrounds the hero is constantly changing depending on which direction he directs his creativity. The outcome can also be unpredictable. “Minecraft” is somewhat reminiscent of the real life of a modern person: it is distinguished by the fast pace of events and unexpected plot twists. Fans of the game from all over the world note that creating a new reality is very interesting, and this process gradually drags on.

The meaning of the term "enchant"

The game has many special terms that are familiar only to experienced players. Thus, one of the central concepts of Minecraft is the concept of “enchanting”. This word comes from the Old Slavonic word “enchantment” - “witchcraft”. In English, the term "the spell" is usually used, which has the same meaning. In the Minecraft game, “enchant” means:

  • change the properties of objects using magic;
  • increase the efficiency of items the player needs to advance to the next level;
  • endow familiar objects with unusual, “magical” properties;
  • use magic (witchcraft) to score points and receive bonuses.

To transform from a regular player into a sorcerer, mage and wizard, you need to create an enchantment table. This is a special zone within which magic works on ordinary objects. The main advantage of creating such a table is that by enchanting one item, the player automatically changes the properties of all other objects in the “magic table” area. Many players specifically set themselves the goal of creating an enchantment table as soon as possible, because the competent use of enchanted items guarantees a quick victory.

Enchanting, in essence, is an “upgrade”, that is, improving the properties of objects that can be useful to the player at a specific stage of the path.

In order to create a table, you need to mine and create various items. Details can be found on forums for fans of computer games, as well as in instructions and practical recommendations for fans of the Minecraft genre. In all versions of the game the sequence of actions will be approximately the same.

How to make an enchantment table

In order to make a table, you need:

  1. Go down into a deep underground mine and, armed with a pickaxe, extract diamonds.
  2. Obtain another mineral from molten volcanic lava - obsidian.
  3. Create a bookcase. It increases the effectiveness of the enchantment table because it contains books of magic spells.
  4. Before you make a bookcase, you need to make a book yourself. Reed is used for paper, and the skin of killed cows is used for binding.
  5. When the book is ready, a cabinet is made for it from wooden boards using carpentry and carpentry tools.

When the enchantment table is ready, the player receives unlimited power over the objects that fall into the area of ​​the magic table. Of course, you can make it without a bookcase, but it will be much less useful. Experienced players claim that a bookcase with magic books increases the efficiency of the enchantment table several times. Proper use of magic furniture helps you quickly move through the levels of the game, successfully complete complex tasks, and use the properties of surrounding objects to your advantage. Enchantment table is a big plus. Statistics show that players who create a magic table are much more likely to reach the top ratings.

The computer game Minecraft is an exciting leisure option. If you approach it with all seriousness, the game will help develop creative thinking and teach you how to find a non-standard way out of difficult situations. The main thing is to effectively use all the available functionality and create new items with your own hands as often as possible. Ingenuity and skillful hands are a guarantee of quick victory. And such pleasant bonuses as an enchantment table will help diversify the game and make it more dynamic, interesting, and exciting. "Minecraft" is a sharp mind, resourcefulness and creativity.


See how you can make an enchanting table.

Minecraft is remarkable because it constantly and dynamically develops. Every time a variety of interesting elements and tools appear in it. This endless world invites you to engage in any craft of interest, fight or simply explore. Of course, without magic items the game would not be as attractive and exciting. Therefore, the ability to enchant various objects is implemented here. This can be done using a special table. But how to make an enchanting table in Minecraft?

What kind of table is this and why is it needed?

For the first time, the creator of Minecraft, the legendary Marcus Person, spoke about it. He wrote that he had finally realized his own dream - he had realized magic in his favorite game.

An enchanting table is a magical altar on which you can enchant almost any item. These can be labor tools, a wide variety of weapons, and items of clothing. This is done to improve the game characteristics of items. Therefore, it is essentially impossible to do without this kind of altar in the game. The most commonly enchanted items are a bow, sword or armor. But at the same time, in early versions it was unknown what effect would be applied to an enchanted Minecraft item. enchantment is a pressing and very serious issue for any beginner.

History of appearance

Magic is one of the main components of any hit game. Therefore, it appeared in Minecraft almost immediately. The enchantment table was first introduced in the same premiere year 2011.

The delighted master Person told numerous fans of the game that when you approach this “enchantment table,” the book on it automatically unfolds and turns the pages. At the same time, several special spells in the special galactic language SGA were visible above the table. But the first version of the game had a flaw: after the server was overloaded, data on enchanted items was not saved. In subsequent releases, these nuances were already taken into account and corrected. The question of how to make an enchanting table in Minecraft was also slightly improved. Now it can be significantly improved with the help of special ones. Only they must be placed in a strictly defined order, otherwise nothing will work.

How to create an enchanting table

Any Minecraft user can create a table. The capabilities of enchanted items depend solely on the skill level of the creator. At the same time, all mastery experience in creating any magical item is translated into special glasses for performing witchcraft.

Before that, you need to stock up on several important and rare parts. In order to craft a table, you need to find or purchase the following blocks:

2 diamonds;

3 or 4 blocks of rare obsidian.

They are installed in a certain order, and only after that you can press a special button, after which the table is ready for use.

How to enchant a selected item?

Before you make an enchanting table in Minecraft, you need to choose a location. This kind of altar is installed in any place on the playing field you like. But there is one trick - for the best enchanting effect, up to the last, level 50, you need to furnish the table with cabinets. There should be about 30 of them, and they should stand in strict sequence.

To enchant any object, you need to click on the table itself. This opens an interface where you can place an item on the left and select an enchantment effect on the right. Each such action costs a certain amount of experience. The downside is that all witchcraft properties are written in a language incomprehensible to the player. After enchanting, the item even looks different - it all glows and shimmers, and the name of the effect appears under the icon.

In any modern game, magic works differently than in Minecraft. You can make an enchantment table to improve the properties of any item only here. This is the highlight of the modern hit construction game.

This entire article will be imbued with magic and magic, because we will look at how to make a table and things in Minecraft in order to subsequently enchant the objects. The topic is extensive, there is something new to know.

Why do you need a charm table?

So, why build a draft shop and what is it? How to use and for what? Let's not hide it: this is necessary in order to enchant things in the game Minecraft. Believe me, you will need this many times more. A very valuable tool that can help you both in crafting things and in battle.

How to do

What is the composition of its ingredients: 2 pcs. diamond , four pcs. obsidian and book , which you also need to do yourself. Experienced players will immediately notice that this craft is not easy, especially its components. You'll have to work a little harder.

However, if you already have everything you need, great! You can start crafting. In the end, you will end up with a very beautiful and unusual enchantment item. The enchantment itself is slightly smaller than standard blocks by ¼. On the table itself is the book itself, beautifully rotating from side to side. If you come closer, it will open and its pages will move. An unusual sight for the game Minecraft.

Crafting ingredients

As we noted above, this is not a simple matter. And all because of the ingredients themselves, because they are so difficult to get. What did you think? Magic is not easy and is truly worth the effort. So let's figure out what and where to get in Minecraft.

And mines are almost synonymous words. So we follow them down into these underground tunnels. We are looking for areas around the lava and working with a special one. Oh, and don't forget to take torches into the mines, it's dark there.

From the diamonds obtained earlier, it’s time to make a diamond pickaxe. No, we’re not joking, this is exactly what you need for mining in Minecraft. For only this tool is capable of destroying it. Take a bucket of water and fill in some of the lava. Carefully! Don't fall into it. That's it, now it's time to extract obsidian from the resulting mixture.

We've discussed creating books before. It's simple: leather + some paper. Cows will have to be killed for leather. Next is the actual crafting.

Enchanting Items


Why don’t we actually start enchanting already? Have you seen these strange designs - almost all smart crafters “lined” the space around the enchanting table entirely with bookcases. It turns out that they increase the effect of enchanting a thing. We gain patience and create a couple more cabinets. We will need boards and books for this. We arrange them on the workbench in a certain order. Craft is ready! Make them as large as possible.

Sword Upgrade

So, only now we get down to one of the most cherished things - an enchanted sword! We've been waiting for this for so long. It’s no secret that everyone wants to gain as much experience as possible. And to do this you have to kill mobs. In order not to get hurt and defeat them, we will use the sword.

We place our usual enchantment on the surface in one of the cells. Now we will see several options for the cost of weapon enchantments. We choose the one that suits our experience. And since the bookcases are nearby, the sword will be enchanted much better! That's all. We have in our hands an enchanted sword ready for battle.

That's all, dear friends. It turns out it's not that difficult. You can get the ingredients and make your own little corner of magic. And become stronger! Until next time.

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